
1. Name, Seat

The “Indian Association of Greater Zurich” (abbreviated form IAGZ), and also referred to as the “Association”, is an association according to Article 60ff of the Swiss Civil Code. The Seat of the Association is in the city of Zurich.

2. Language

The official languages are English and German. In case of a conflict, discrepancy or interpretation, the English version will prevail.

3. Objectives

To get together for non-political, non-communal, cultural, academic, intellectual and recreational purposes, and to promote cultural understanding and relations between Indians, Swiss and other nationalities.

4. Main Activities

The Association’s objectives are to be accomplished by the following activities:

  • At least three get-togethers of all members are to be organized per year, in the form of cultural activities, film shows, excursions, picnic, academic lectures etc. The Association’s activities are to be for the common interest and involvement of all its members and not for pure commercial purposes.
  • The Association is to keep its members informed of matters of common interest such as holiday destinations and attractive offers, Indian food culture, Indian current events, books and records, as well as activities of other friendly associations.
  • Any other activity within the scope of the Objectives of the Association.

5. Membership

Membership of the Association is open to any natural person or family of natural persons, and is governed by the following rules:

  • Any family or person may apply for membership to the association in writing, or electronically, this application will be reviewed by the Executive Committee at the time and approved or disapproved.
  • All members, on acceptance of membership are obliged to pay their applicable periodic membership dues up to the end of the running period.
  • Members who fail to pay their financial commitments to the association, after they have been given one reminder, can be, at the discretion of the Executive Committee, removed from the membership of the Association. However, they will continue to be liable for all dues from them to the Association.
  • The Executive Committee can, based on a logical conflict concerning a member, and after having given a full and fair opportunity to the member, and based on a two-third vote of the General Body remove a member from the membership of the Association.
  • Members liability is limited to the annual membership fees as follows:
    • CHF 100.00 (Swiss Francs one hundred only) for families of two or more members
    • CHF 50.00 (Swiss Francs fifty only) for individuals
    • CHF 30.00 (Swiss Francs thirty only) for student members (Maximum age 25 years)

6. Finances

Finances of the Association are governed by the following rules:

  • The Association will derive its income from:
    • Yearly fees from the members
    • Income from various functions organized and held during the year
    • Income from sale of publications
    • Income from property
    • Donations and special contributions from patrons
    • Any other incidental income
  • Members are to pay their membership fees before end of June each year.
  • The Financial Year for the Association will be the Calendar year
  • During a Financial year, the Executive Committee is only entitled to spend, over and above the revenues of the year, maximum 20% (Twenty percent) of the opening funds for the year. Any spending above this limit will have to be pre approved by the General Body with a majority vote.
  • The Annual Financial Report, including the Auditors’ Report (Article 9) accompanied by the drafts of the income statement and statement of financial position of the Association, as at the appropriate time must be communicated to the members of the Association at least ten (10) days prior to the General Body Meeting.

7. General Body Meeting

Members of the Association meet annually at the General Body Meeting (Also called the GBM). This meeting is governed by:

  • Written invitations are sent by the Executive Committee to the mailing addresses (electronic mail / e-mail) of the members, as known to the Secretary, along with the Agenda, at least four (4) weeks prior to the General Body Meeting.
  • Members may send their proposals for Constitutional amendments to the Secretary at lease two weeks prior to the General Body Meeting. The Secretary must communicate all proposals from the members to all the members at least one (1) week prior to the General Body Meeting.
  • Twenty percent (20%) of the members form quorum for the General Body Meeting. If this quorum is not present, however at least 20 members are present the General Body Meeting, for which adequate and timely invitation to all members has been sent, can go ahead and take decisions. These decisions will only become effective when they are ratified by the remaining member of the Association. This will be achieved by communicating these decisions in full detail to all the members of the Association who were not present at the meeting, and receiving their vote on the issues. The communication must be complete and fair and reasonable time for responses allowed. All votes received at the appointed cut-off time will be counted and assessed to uphold the decisions or decline them based on the number of votes cast in favor and against these decisions.
  • The General Body has the following powers (agenda in the order presented):
    • To take decisions on the proposals, reports of the Executive Committee and the Auditors.
    • Release the Executive Committee from its office.
    • Election of the Executive Committee, consisting of:
      • One President
      • One Secretary
      • One Treasurer
      • Four additional members
    • Consent of the appointed member is absolutely necessary.
    • Election of two independent (of the Executive Committee) Auditors (Article 9).
    • Take decisions on valid proposals of the members, received two weeks prior to the General Body Meeting.
    • To revise the annual subscriptions when considered necessary
    • To dissolve the Association as per Article 11 of the Constitution.
  • The General Body Meetings may only be attended by members who have paid their annual membership fees due for the year.
  • Voting rights in the General Body Meeting:
    • Every person attending the General Body Meeting has one vote.
    • A member may be represented by another member by way of a written authorization (proxy).
  • The General Body takes decisions and conducts elections by show of hand voting. In some cases, when five (5) or more members feel necessary, conduct the election by secret ballot
  • All decisions are to be made on absolute majority, unless Swiss Laws, or this Constitution stipulates otherwise.

8. The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of seven members, of which three members are elected by the General Body Meeting, including the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer.

Only the three office bearers are to be registered with the Handelsregisteramt. The other four members are nominated by the elected Executive Committee members and are not required to be registered with the Handelsregisteramt. Further rules are:

  • The period of office of the Executive Committee is one year. The same Committee or any member or members of the Committee can be re-elected for any number of consecutive term(s), with the exception of the President. The president tenure is maximum two years in a row. Once the President is out of the Committee for at least a year, he / she can return to the Committee in any capacity.
  • An Executive Committee member can, by giving one month prior notice, resign from the Executive Committee. This member can be replaced by either an extra-ordinary General Body Meeting or by unanimous nomination of the remaining members of the Executive Committee. The new members term will be the remaining term of the member that is replaced.
  • The Executive Committee is empowered to take decisions only if at least four (4) members are present. Decisions are to be taken on an absolute majority of the votes of those members present. In case of a tie the President will have the right to use the casting vote.
  • The Executive Committee will have the responsibility to promote activities of the Association and set the working program.
  • The Executive Committee will organize the annual General Body Meeting and execute its decisions.
  • The Committee will organize shows and conferences.
  • It keeps contact with national and international organizations having similar objectives as the Indian Association of Greater Zurich.
  • The President represents the Association and presides over the Executive Committee meetings. He is permitted to take decisions on behalf of the Association only if explicitly permitted by the Executive Committee.
  • The Secretary takes the responsibility for the administrative work of the Association, as specified by the Executive Committee. The Secretary calls the Executive Committee meetings giving an agenda and records and maintains minutes of the meetings.
  • The Treasurer manages the finances of the Association. The Treasurer submits the Annual Financial Reports of the Association to the Executive Committee for the Annual General Body Meeting. The Treasurer is also responsible for getting the audit of accounts done by the Independent Auditors.
  • Any two members of the committee can bind the Association by signing documents as long as at least one of the signatures is that of the President or the Secretary of the Association.
  • Electronic media is the standard communication channel of the Association and the Committee. The Committee will have to make exceptions to the rule if there are requirements to communicate with public or other external organizations.
  • The Association is obliged by law to maintain document of the association for a period of 10 (Ten) years. All correspondence and communication records must be maintained by the Secretary of the Association and passed on to the next committee from year to year.

9. Audit of the Financial Accounts and Financial Statements

The Financial Accounts and Financial Statements, consisting of an Income Statement for the period and a Statement of Financial Position as at the end of the period are to be audited by the two elected auditors, who must be independent of the Executive Committee.

The auditors are to issue a written and signed audit report to the Executive Committee for review and further transmission to the General Body Meeting.

The Final Financial Statements must be signed by the Treasurer and the President of the Association and these accounts must be accompanied by the independent auditors report before handing off the responsibility to the new Executive Committee.

10. Liability

The liability of members of the Association is restricted to its membership fees and the liability of the Association to its maximum assets.

For any obligation entered into by an individual member with a third party, the Association cannot be made liable for the individuals actions. Externally the Association is liable only to the extent of its maximum assets.

11. Dissolution

The Indian Association of Greater Zurich can exist without limit to time. In order to dissolve the Association, votes of two-thirds (2/3rd) of the voting members of the Association is necessary.

In case of dissolution of the Association, the property of the Indian Association of Greater Zurich goes to a charitable organization e.g., the Indian Red Cross or any other credible charitable association relating to India.

Validity: The CONSTITUTION above and all articles contained therein were accepted by the first Extraordinary General Body Meeting held at Quartiertreff Aussersihl in Zurich on 5th Sep 2010 and comes into immediate effect as of this date.

Annual° membership fees as follows:

  • Family* : CHF 100.00 (Swiss Francs one hundred only) for families of two or more members
  • Individual : CHF 50.00 (Swiss Francs fifty only)
  • Students : CHF 30.00 (Swiss Francs thirty only) for student (valid against only Student ID Card)

°- It has been voted during 1st GBM that the membership dues for first time would be valid until Dec 2011.
*- The definition of ‘Family’ will include all dependent children and parents living in the same household.
 – A Family will have 2 votes but the membership privileges will extend to all members of the family.


  • CHE-264.126.805
  • Entry into the Commercial Register of Canton Zurich as of 09.11.2012
  • Latest Amendment on 22.09.2023
  •  2022—2023
    • Mr. Nitesh Gandhi (President)
    • Mr. Aniruddha Ghosh (Secretary)
    • Mr. Naresh Singhania (Treasurer)

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